Friday, February 5, 2021



Van Jones is a man with a life long history of impeccable Socialist/Progressive credentials: enthusiastic student of Marx and Lenin; community activist for police reform, social justice and environmentalism; CNN commentator; and a former Obama administration official. No one has ever accused Van Jones of being anything less than an exemplary member of the Socialist Left wing of the Democrat Party, until now. 

This man has committed a crime so dreadful, he is being ostracized by the same people that should be embracing him. He is now viewed as a pariah by the radicalized Socialist/Progressive fanatics that have come to dominate the Democrat Party, and even Republican never-Trumpers have turned against him. What is the heinous crime this man committed? What possible reason could cause the shrill, obnoxious, and hateful members of the "View", to attack one of their own? Van Jones, the man of impeccable Socialist/Progressive credentials and a life long dedication to social justice, made the mistake of being polite to Republicans and giving Donald Trump the slightest bit of credit for his policies. He has not changed his beliefs, nor has he abandoned the ardent Marxism of his youth. He was simply being polite, and that was enough for his Socialist/Progressive friends to attack him and impugn his character. 

Van Jones brought to tears as he celebrates Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 Presidential election.


From now on this man will have his every word, deed, Tweet, thought, and facial expression, viewed under a microscope with the greatest suspicion. Regardless of how hard he tries, his reputation within Socialist/Progressives circles is tarnished forever. This is how the Left has come to operate within the US. They do not forgive, forget, nor grant mercy to those that show the slightest bit of weakness or non-compliance. Free thought is an anathema, free speech is a crime. Being polite to an enemy of the Revolution (conservatives, libertarians, or even non-political folk) is an offense so serious it may eventually require prison or even capital punishment. Make no mistake, this is the United States that is being discussed in this post, not the USSR. However, it should be obvious to anyone that remembers the evil of the Soviet Union or has studied the list bit about it, the tactics that have been adopted by the Socialist/Progressives in the US are an exact copy of the infamous behaviors of the Communist Bolshevik Party that would eventually lead to the deaths of more than 50 million people. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn tried to warn the world about the Soviet system with his famous work The Gulag Archipelago, but he and his book have been consigned to the dustbin of history by the new generation of uninformed Socialist fanatics. Anyone that disagrees with the Marxist Socialist/Progressives, or deviates in the slight bit by being polite, is called a traitor and will be treated with severe harshness, just as it happened in the Soviet Union. 

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