Tuesday, February 2, 2021



It seems to be the goal of every Socialist/Progressive to grow the size and strength of government, in every nation of the world. The fanatically Progressive editor of The Nation, Katrina vanden Heuvel, wrote high praise of Joe Biden in a recent article for his multitude of executive orders that appear "transformative" in increasing government control and oversight. She is not alone in trumpeting the need for governments to impose ever greater control over society, below I will quote Sebastian Mallaby from his article in Foreign Affairs Magazine in which he declares governments should become more assertive.

"Today, the United States and other advanced countries are experiencing the second wave of an especially powerful twin shock. Taken individually, either the global financial crises of 2008 or the global pandemic of 2020 would have been enough to change public finances, driving government to to create and borrow money freely. Combined, these two crises are set to transform the spending power of the state. A new era of assertive and expansive government beckons. Call it the age of magic money."

Read it carefully. "A new era of assertive and expansive government beckons." What does he mean by assertive government? Powerful government, and government becomes powerful when citizens lose power.
Katrina vanden Heuvel gave numerous examples of why she supported President Biden's actions, and she also took the opportunity to attack anyone with a different point of view. She declared "the era of small government is over".  She went on to say "Biden is essentially announcing that the Washington consensus — one that favors deregulation, austerity, and pro-corporate trade policies — is bankrupt,"
 Biden's $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief package was at the forefront of her praise, claiming the Republicans "have no clue as the suffering of the people" with their counteroffer of $600 billion. She took the opportunity to mention Barak Obama and his administration, "As President Barack Obama came to understand only too late, attempts to compromise with obstructionists gain nothing".
Let's think about this very carefully. Katrina vanden Heuvel in her praise of Biden is also advocating for an end to legitimate political debate. Her declaring that Obama's compromising with the Republican led Congress gained nothing is very revealing of her true desire, a an apparent desire for one party rule. Is this the future Progressives are so eager to attain? A future in which the citizens have become little more than servants to an all powerful government that is ruled by Socialist elites. This has been tried before, in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. These ideas failed in the Communist block, and they will fail if implemented in the West. The greatest quality a nation can have is freedom and liberty for it's citizens to make their own economic choices, reach their highest potential in life, or to fail if they so choose. This argument is one of choice, and it is best left to individuals to choose for themselves. We do not need the illustrious Katrina vanden Heuvel, Sebastian Mallaby, Bernie Sanders, or Joe Biden to dictate to us how we should live our lives. 

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