Sunday, July 4, 2021



Socialist/Progressive commentators at the New York Times have decided the American flag is a symbol of hatred and racism, and is alienating and disgusting. We should not be surprised at the vitriol being used when describing the symbols of our nation.
The attack on Confederate statues and symbols was just a warmup, all American symbols are targeted for destruction. This hate for American symbols is easy to understand, if someone is able to view history through a Marxist perspective. Karl Marx believed all of history was the story of one group dominating another. He called these groups the bourgeoisie (the haves) and the proletariat (the have not). The bourgeoisie being the ruling class that controlled politics and owned the means of production, while the proletariat was the laboring class that sold their services for wages.

If we take the writings of Karl Marx and replace the term "bourgeoisie" with the vague terms "white people or Western civilization". and replace the term "proletariat" with the term "minority people", we can discover the intellectual foundation upon which the Socialist/Progressive Left is founded upon. The arguments being made by the Left of the Democrat Party, the goal of the BLM organization, and ideas being espoused by the media and academia suddenly become clear, they are taken directly from Karl Marx. In other words, the attack on American symbols and history, the term "white privilege", and every other aspect of political correctness are all the product of Marxist ideology. These ideas have gained the support of a large percentage of the voting public, innocent citizens have been duped into accepting a terrible form of tyranny which their fathers and grandfathers had fought a Cold War to contain.