Monday, November 9, 2020




The 2020 Presidential election has brought out the the worst in people. The Marxist/Socialist/Progressives that seem to have taken complete control of the Democrat Party have stayed true to their usual habit of labeling everyone that disagrees with them as "racist" or a "hater" of some sort, and since Donald Trump has many supporters. over forty percent of the nation must be racists and haters! How was our once great nation converted into a proverbial "run down high school" in which everyone must belong to a clique or group, and all the groups hate each other? 

From the Washington Times we learn that Congressperson Rep. Alexanderia Ocasio-Cortez was instrumental in setting up the “Trump Accountability Project”. a group whose goal is to blacklist and deny employment to anyone that in any way supported or even voted for Donal Trump. Singer Katy Perry, who publicly supported Biden, was savagely attacked online for suggesting she would offer a message of reconciliation to her family members that supported Trump. While Presidential-elect Joe Biden has been talking about unity and reconciliation, his party and his supporters seem to have ulterior motives. 

For their part, Trump supporters have not been idle. From the Biden bus being run off the road and instances of individuals being attacked. Most disturbingly, Trump seems to have been very popular with many fringe groups of dubious character, from the neo-Nazi thugs that staged an infamous protest in Charlottesville Virginia (read my post about that), to the QAnon conspiracy group and others such as the Proud Boys. Of course, the Democrat party is well known for it's many violent Marxist fringe groups, such as Antifa and BLM, but that is a story for another time. 

Perhaps Biden will be able to unify people in a way that Trump was never able to. Regardless, it seems battle lines have been drawn, and neither side is backing down. 

This brings me to my personal experience with pre and post-election anger. In recent weeks I have been attacked for not supporting Trump, and I have been attacked for not supporting Biden. Several of my Facebook "friends" from both political sides have severed their connections to me, because I did not support their candidate. My question to everyone is this: Why must I support a candidate that does not represent my values and political ideals?  The most difficult sort of tyranny to overcome is the tyranny of peer pressure. I believe I have been fortunate enough to think outside the box, and thus have my own opinions. However, it saddens me that so many people seem unable or unwilling to see beyond the normal sort of petty partisanship that has become an integrated part of our society. 

Perhaps things will get better one day. Perhaps the people of this nation will one day put aside their political differences, and embrace their fellow citizens in a spirit of true brotherhood. Perhaps this is all just wistful thinking on the part of a man that loves his country, and believes that this remains the land of opportunity, in which people live in harmony and seek to improve their community by improving themselves.