Sunday, March 24, 2019


Robert Mueller, the Special Counsel charged with investigating possible Trump administration collusion with Russia to sway the 2016, just sent the findings of his investigation to the Attorney General and exonerated Trump and all his staff of any such collusion. Of course, the Democrat party and their cronies in the media are besides themselves: many in the media view this report as an insult; some folks, like Rachel Maddow, broke down and cried on national television; many are demanding the Attorney General before Congress to answer for the report and give Democrat Congress members an opportunity to attack his character; and while others are even more determined to find something to use against Trump. It's long past time the nation called the media to account for it's blatant bias and one-sided opposition to Trump and his Republican peers.

This is my original blog entry, dated March 28. 2017. People have to realize that politicians never learn from their mistakes, they will gladly endorse one fishing expedition after another in the hopes of finding some sort of dirt to use on their political opponents. It is the duty of the American voter to use a bit of common sense, and perhaps a bit of wisdom, to discern the truth in these matters and to vote for elected officials that will act with honesty, integrity, and will place the good of the nation before their own interests. Demagogues whose only wish is to attain power, that put their own selfish interests before the interests of the nation, or that promise nonsensical Socialist fantasies, should be recognized for the unethical scam artists that they are, and be rejected at the ballot box.