Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Once again, a CNN analyst proves how close-minded progressives and journalists have become.  The progressives within the media are incapable of self-criticism or self-awareness. They gave this woman her fame, but fail to realize it was their actions that gave her this fame. There should be no doubt as to the influence of the media in modern politics, they decide what the voters will see and hear. They can raise up a politician like this Ocasio-Cortez woman, or they can constantly attack someone they don't like. In essence, it is the media that is deciding our elections, not facts or reality.
This Ocasio-Cortez woman has become well known because the media "made" her famous. They put her in front of our faces on a constant basis, so of course we know her name. She has no redeeming value to our lives.
However, I am not a supporter of so called "conservative" media. Folks like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or whoever else, are saying exactly what the audience wants to hear. They do not provide any actual insight or legitimate alternatives for the audience to consider. They go along with the status quo, giving their audience the impression that there is some actual difference between the two major parties.