Monday, May 1, 2017


In his most recent article, Thomas DiLorenzo, asks some very serious questions about the values embraced by Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church. It is clear that Pope Francis believes that government should have a more authoritative role in controlling national economies, while at the same time frequently attacking Capitalism and the free-market system.

I am not Roman Catholic, nor do I care what the Pope of Rome may have to say; however, he is a prominent world figure who wields tremendous influence. He should perhaps re-evaluate his priorities in life and realize that Socialism, government controls, and Keynesian inflationary spending, are the direct cause of many of the world's problems.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


It's been a while since my last post. Things have been rather hectic with work, Easter, family, and so on. But don't worry, I will be posting a new and exciting, deeply analytical, mentally stimulating, and entertaining article within the next few days. So keep checking for the update.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


For the past several months the American public has been entertained with a constant barrage of shocked outrage from the liberal media and Democrat partisans, in connection to various politicians and members of the Trump administration meeting with President Vladimir Putin, the Russian ambassador and other Russian officials. The problem is that if we stop and think about it for a minute, we will realize that all of this bitter indignation is pure hogwash. Almost every one of the people getting in front of the news cameras and screaming "foul" has engaged in similar contacts with Russian officials.

Every government in the world sends ambassadors and diplomats to every other government in the world, in order to keep in contact about a great many issues: from issuing visas and passports to extraditing criminals to making trade agreements to whatever else is needed. It would be impossible for the government of a civilized nation to function in the modern world without embassies and ambassadors. It is expected that the Russian ambassador will hold regular meetings with different US officials in order to discuss the many issues that are of mutual concern. The British, French, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Brazilian, South African, Icelandic, and every other ambassador from every other nation has the same expectations.

This artificial scandal began before Trump was sworn into office, Obama was still in the White House. First, it was all about mysterious Russian hackers that had somehow influenced the presidential election. The public is still waiting to see any sort of proof or evidence of these alleged hackers. Next, General Micheal Flynn supposedly met with Russian officials at some point. General Flynn also met with officials from many other nations, but that doesn't seem to have been noticed by anyone. The Trump administration cut ties with General Flynn, after it was made aware that Flynn was getting paid to act on behalf of the Turkish government. Next, the plot thickened considerably, anyone and everyone that is not a Democrat that had even the slightest contact with the Russian ambassador(or any other Russian) has been vilified by both the press and Democrat party affiliates.

We have reached the point that anyone across the fruited plain enjoying a glass of vodka will be subject to mean looks, Congressional inquiries, a visit by the Spanish Inquisition, and will perhaps get burnt at the stake by political devotees hoping to surpass the Salem Witch trials. It seems that nobody is willing to take a stand and denounce this nonsensical scandal that is based on completely spurious accusations. It remains to be seen how much time and effort will be wasted by Congress and the press in an effort to prove that the Russian ambassador has been doing his job and that US officials have regular contacts with foreign officials.


Saturday, March 25, 2017


Speaker of the House (and ultimate insider) Paul Ryan admitted to defeat after Congress failed to repeal the Obamacare Act (Affordable Care Act). The fact that the Republicans were not able to repeal the act,  regardless of how much they spoke about it during the election, is hardly a shock to anyone that is the least bit aware of American politics today. Obamacare is still the law of the land because the Washington Establishment never had any intention of repealing it. Under the leadership of Speaker Paul Ryan, Congressional Republicans sponsored a bill that would "fix" Obamacare, instead of repealing it as was promised. This caused a number of Conservatives associated with the House Freedom Caucus to revolt and oppose Speaker Ryan's proposed bill.

Picture taken during the 2016 State of the Union

The Obamacare bill is a very misguided law; it fails to reduce the rising cost of medical care as it was originally planned. However, the Elite, people of both parties that are connected to Wall Street, the big banks, and industry, are fully in support of this bill. Paul Krugman, a Nobel prize winner for his research in Economics, has sung the praises of Obamacare; while admitting it has several major flaws. It is a bit disconcerting to realize that Socialist groups such as the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), are very much opposed to what they call the "right-wing" health care bill. The Socialists claim it does little to nothing in terms of providing health care to the poor, while enriching health insurance companies by forcing everyone to purchase health insurance. Conservatives and Libertarians oppose Obamacare for a number of reasons. It should be carefully noted that the rising cost of medical care is directly related to monetary inflation, as are the rising costs of college tuition, real estate, and everything else. The reasons for this vast inflation can be found in one of my previous articles. Obamacare's attempt to sugar-coat the problem with increased subsidies, or whatever it does, has already proven to be futile as costs are still rising.

During his election campaign President Trump promised to force the Mexicans to pay for a wall on the Southern border, repeal Obamacare, and spend tax money we don't have on things we don't need. So far, Trump is batting a 0.0 average, he's not been able to deliver on any of his grand promises. We will have to wait and see if this Obamacare fiasco reignites the animosity Trump and Ryan had for each other during the campaign. I think people that voted for either Trump or Ryan, based on their promises, are in for some terrible disappointment.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


David Rockefeller died on Monday, March 20, 2017, at the age of 101. A grandson of the great oil tycoon and robber baron John D. Rockefeller, David Rockefeller would make his mark in the world of banking and globalization. Educated at elite schools such as: Harvard, the London School of Economics, and the University of Chicago, he was a no doubt a very brilliant man. Entering into the family banking business at Chase Bank in the international department, which eventually would become Chase Manhattan, he rose to the level of CEO.

His business accomplishments were considerable; however, it is in the realm of politics and international relations in which he had the greatest impact. Joining the Council of Foreign Relations and the nefarious Builderberg Group, he would go on to create the Trilateral Commission. As president of Chase Bank and chairperson of the CFR, Rockefeller traveled the world extensively and had contacts with every nation, including the USSR at the height of the Cold War during the 1960-1970's. A lifelong Republican, he was part of the so called "country club" arm of the party. 

The subject of his greatest endeavors was the creation and implementation of a system of global regulations and global governance, in other words World Government. In his autobiography Memoirs, page 405, he admitted that he and his entire family have been working towards the creation of a One World Government. 

“Some even believe we  are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” 

It is normally considered to be in bad taste to speak ill of the dead; however, in this case I will make an exception. This man and his cronies have caused immeasurable suffering around the world with their secretive manipulations, therefore, I can honestly that the world is better off without him. 
Good Riddance.