The US national debt has now reached $35.7 Trillion, or $35,700,000,000,000.
Last year the US Congress paid $1.2 Trillion on the interest of that massive debt, this came out to about 32% of all taxes, tariffs, and other sources of Federal income. The national debt is expected to continue rising, as Congress is unable to reducing spending. At this rate, the interest payments will break the budget as Congress will not have enough money to spend on anything else.
It is likely that Congress will be unable to pay it's bills within the next few years, and the nation will be forced to declare bankruptcy. No matter who is elected this November, it has become too late to fix the problem. None of the current political candidates: Harris, Trump, etc. seem concerned or even aware of the coming disaster.
Who will I vote for this November? I'm not certain. Trump and Harris are certainly not worthy of support, neither of them knows what they are doing. With some reservations, I will vote for the Libertarian Party candidates. At least they are aware of the magnitude of the problem, and unlike the Democrat and Republican parties, they will seek ways to mitigate the impact of a national insolvency.