Tuesday, April 30, 2024



COVID vaccines are coming under increased scrutiny.  From lawsuits in Europe, to morticians claiming to be removing huge blood clots from the deceased that received COVID vaccines, to a number of other sources indicating there is something very wrong with the various vaccines that were basically forced unto billions of people around the world. During the manufactured COVID crises, by manufactured I mean the media worked hand-in-hand with the political elite to frighten the public, attack even the most legitimate criticism from highly qualified medical professionals, and then justify the ruthless measures that were imposed on a worldwide scale. 

At the height of the pandemic, Sen. Rand Paul(KY) MD, famously had several shouting matches with Dr. Fauci in US Senate committee hearings. Rand Paul was viciously attacked by the mainstream for daring to question the candor and integrity of the man that was later proven to have lied to both Congress and the nation when he claimed he knew nothing about gain of function research. Notice the initials MD, medical doctor, after Rand Paul's name? He is a board certified medical doctor, but he was attacked along with every other doctor that dared to ask tough questions.

I never trusted these vaccines. For a vaccine to be effective it must go through rigorous testing that lasts several years. The pharmaceutical companies brought forth these vaccines together in less than a year. If there are extreme side effects or problems, they were ignored or covered up, the people of the world literally became lab rats for experimental medicines that may prove to be far worse than the disease they were supposed to prevent. 

There is a term: mass hysteria, a condition affecting a group of persons, characterized by excitement or anxiety, irrational behavior or beliefs, or inexplicable symptoms of illness. The public's reaction to the COVID crises can very well be defined as mass hysteria. People were doing things that made no sense, had no foundation in science or logic, and were unwilling or unable to explain their beliefs and behaviors in a logical and coherent fashion. Fauci and his cronies around the world exacerbated the problem by constantly feeding the public an ever changing and conflicted set of guidelines. Perhaps I am overly cynical, but washing the outer wall of a brick building does NOT prevent the spread of any airborne illness. Sanitizing doors, windows, tables, chairs, grocery store carts, laminated menus, vehicles, or anything else does NOT prevent the spread on any airborne illness. For the folks that engaged in such extreme measures, I can only hope that they realize in hindsight how badly misguided their actions were. 

On a personal level, I've known several people that received the full series of COVID vaccines, yet died all the same from either COVID or from the vaccine. My father was one of the those people. My entire family has received the vaccines, because they were afraid and they wanted to believe the political elite had their best interest in mind. I do not trust the vaccines or the politicians, and I will continue to refuse the vaccines; regardless of how difficult such refusals may become.