Saturday, June 15, 2024


Judge Merchant/Donald Trump Fox News



 It is no longer permissible to speak out against the ruling party, if you're a lawyer in Connecticut. The state Bar association has warned lawyers to be silent when it comes to questioning the political motives of judge and prosecutors involved the prosecution of Donal Trump. There is clear evidence, from public new sources, that the District Attorney was focused on Trump for purely political reasons. Yet, the bar association has declared that questioning motives or methods is inappropriate. This sort of statement coming from a state bar association would have been unimaginable 30 years ago, there would have been protests, lawsuits, and tremendous public outcry against this attempt to silence people from speaking their minds about a legitimate public concern.

However, this is not an isolated incident, too many times we see politicians, or various professional organizations, demanding the silencing of public discourse. I have previously written how the various social media groups, at the behest of Congress, have silenced legitimate public discourse, by claiming everything not approved by the ruling class is misinformation. 

The COVID debacle, which included the various shutdowns, restrictions, and vaccines, is another example of the public being told to be silent and not question the actions of the ruling class. Across the nation, board certified doctors were threatened with the loss of medical license, if they publicly asked any questions or objected to the blatant hypocrisy of the various conditions imposed on the public.

 The land of the free has perished, we are living in a tyranny, and people do not seem to realize or care about how much we have lost.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024



COVID vaccines are coming under increased scrutiny.  From lawsuits in Europe, to morticians claiming to be removing huge blood clots from the deceased that received COVID vaccines, to a number of other sources indicating there is something very wrong with the various vaccines that were basically forced unto billions of people around the world. During the manufactured COVID crises, by manufactured I mean the media worked hand-in-hand with the political elite to frighten the public, attack even the most legitimate criticism from highly qualified medical professionals, and then justify the ruthless measures that were imposed on a worldwide scale. 

At the height of the pandemic, Sen. Rand Paul(KY) MD, famously had several shouting matches with Dr. Fauci in US Senate committee hearings. Rand Paul was viciously attacked by the mainstream for daring to question the candor and integrity of the man that was later proven to have lied to both Congress and the nation when he claimed he knew nothing about gain of function research. Notice the initials MD, medical doctor, after Rand Paul's name? He is a board certified medical doctor, but he was attacked along with every other doctor that dared to ask tough questions.

I never trusted these vaccines. For a vaccine to be effective it must go through rigorous testing that lasts several years. The pharmaceutical companies brought forth these vaccines together in less than a year. If there are extreme side effects or problems, they were ignored or covered up, the people of the world literally became lab rats for experimental medicines that may prove to be far worse than the disease they were supposed to prevent. 

There is a term: mass hysteria, a condition affecting a group of persons, characterized by excitement or anxiety, irrational behavior or beliefs, or inexplicable symptoms of illness. The public's reaction to the COVID crises can very well be defined as mass hysteria. People were doing things that made no sense, had no foundation in science or logic, and were unwilling or unable to explain their beliefs and behaviors in a logical and coherent fashion. Fauci and his cronies around the world exacerbated the problem by constantly feeding the public an ever changing and conflicted set of guidelines. Perhaps I am overly cynical, but washing the outer wall of a brick building does NOT prevent the spread of any airborne illness. Sanitizing doors, windows, tables, chairs, grocery store carts, laminated menus, vehicles, or anything else does NOT prevent the spread on any airborne illness. For the folks that engaged in such extreme measures, I can only hope that they realize in hindsight how badly misguided their actions were. 

On a personal level, I've known several people that received the full series of COVID vaccines, yet died all the same from either COVID or from the vaccine. My father was one of the those people. My entire family has received the vaccines, because they were afraid and they wanted to believe the political elite had their best interest in mind. I do not trust the vaccines or the politicians, and I will continue to refuse the vaccines; regardless of how difficult such refusals may become.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024



House Republicans have done something historic, they have impeached a Cabinet Secretary for the first time since 1876. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas was impeached for a broad list of accusations, many legal experts say these accusations fall far short of actual criminal conduct. Sadly, the whole impeachment process has become a sham based purely on political theater. The US Constitution gives the House of Representatives the power to "impeach" or accuse government officials with "high crimes and misdemeanors", the Senate can then hold a trial to convict the accused of the said crimes, and vote to remove the guilty person from office. In the past two decades the impeachment process has become a political tool for the ruling party to basically harass the other party with a steady stream of specious accusations. 

The Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying under oath. Republicans would attempt to impeach Barak Obama for a number of things, but they lacked the political muscle to move against him. The Democrats were desperate to avenge that slight so they impeached Donald Trump two separate times for accusations of conduct that was boorish or foolish, but in no way criminal. Now the Republicans have returned to power, and they are eager to impeach the Biden administration for all sorts of things. Joe Biden has been difficult to impeach, for a variety of factors, but they've managed to impeach Mayorkas, who is on the Biden team. 

The Republicans and Democrats have both failed to perform their duties in a broad number of ways. This latest impeachment fiasco is but one example of the terrible corruption that plagues the American political system. Instead of working for the best interest of the nation, the two parties have chosen to attack each other and divide the nation, our of a desire to maintain political power at all cost. This political partisanship has become shameful, and has made the nation appear as banana republic to the rest of the world. 

 It is time that both parties were removed from power. They do not care about us or the nation, therefore we should elect people that will uphold the oath they swear to carry out the law and defend the Constitution. 

Monday, January 15, 2024



Shocking news Donald Trump wins the Iowa primary; or perhaps not so shocking to those paying attention and understanding how very far US society has fallen. A few short decades ago our parents and grandparents would have been appalled to see such a boorish man gaining any sort of political victory. It is indeed a sign of the times, when college graduates from the nation's most prestigious universities do not know basic information that pertains to profound historical events such as the Revolutionary war, Civil war, or the two World  Wars, how can the general public be expected to make any sort informed decision when voting for public officials. If the situation was not so dire, it would make for an excellent piece of late night comedy. 

There are, or were, several Republican candidates in the primaries that would make far better national leaders than Trump, in both the 2016 and the current election year. The Democrat Party also possessed several candidates in both 2016 and 2020 primaries that were far superior to the eventual front runners.  I have said this many times before, if the Democrat party had an ounce of common sense, they would have supported Jim Webb in 2016. He would have been far more acceptable than the shrill sounding and scandal plagued Hillary Clinton, in addition he would have easily beaten Trump. However, the Democrat party has demonstrated many times that common sense is not one of their more prevalent qualities. To be clear, this is not an endorsement of either party. Both parties are controlled by the same money and special interest groups at the at the national level. Countless highly qualified presidential candidates are rejected by party insiders in favor of connected insiders that ultimately prove to be disappointments. 

Perhaps it is a type on mass hysteria, or perhaps some folks are simple unable to think creatively and independently. Whatever the case may be, the worst possible candidate has won the Iowa primary. On the other hand, both Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley are dedicated political insiders and Global Elite types that would continue the agenda of the New World Order, without pause or question. After everything is said and done, who will I be voting for? I will vote third party, just as I have been doing for more than 20 years. Neither Democrats nor Republicans represent the interest of the American people, and I will happily contribute my vote elsewhere.

Monday, December 4, 2023


Taylor Swift

I have not been able to write a properly coherent article in almost two years, since my father passed away. I will admit that it's mostly my fault, I have not dedicated the time to sit down and write; the rest of the fault lies with the added responsibilities that I have taken on. In that time I have been through a heart catheterization, one three day hospital stay for a nasty cellulitis infection in my leg, put in countless hours at the restaurant, engaged in many pointless arguments on social media, and I've indulged in my favorite hobby of playing DnD. I've tried to write several articles, but they're still in the early stages, and they may never see the light of day. Looking at the world around me I've come to the sad realization that the world has gone crazy. 

 I've made new friends, lost several old friends prematurely, and have reconnected with friends I haven't seen in decades. Beyond all this, my life has not changed much, nor have my beliefs and convictions. It is those beliefs and convictions which have motivated me to write on this blog, and now with all that out of the way, we can get to the main topic. 

Over the past three years many things have occurred which should cause people of good character to stop and reconcile current events to their own beliefs and convictions. 

The election of 2020 and it's aftermath, in reality a complete and utter fiasco, warrants an entire library of carefully researched material. It is sufficient to say that the only ones to have truly lost are the US voters that were forced to choose between two equally worthless presidential candidates. Donald Trump may have better mental health than the aged Joe Biden, but not by much, and he is crazy in very different way. Trump has been the one of the worst presidents, not because of his policies which were not too bad, it was his massive ego and his complete inability to filter his big mouth. A president needs to be a leader, someone the public can look up to and admire, someone that can motivate the public, someone that can convince the people that they live in a great country that remains the Land of Opportunity. Trump lacked any semblance of leadership qualities, he divided the nation more harshly than any other president in our history, and members of his own administration fell victim to his unpredictable and uncouth personality. 


Transgenderism has become an issue which has seen much discussion.  If an adult person, who is mentally capable of making their own decisions, wishes to become transgendered, more power to them, they have every right to live their lives as they see fit.  Debating the pros or cons, is far beyond the purpose of this article. Only a few things need to be stated, and only for those that have any lingering doubts. First, there have always been people, both men and women, that wanted to live as the opposite gender. Second, sex reassignment surgery and hormone therapy can only alter aesthetic properties, in other words only a person's external appearance can be altered. The skeletal and muscular structures, internal organs, heart and lung function, the brain itself, and many other biological and genetic aspects of the human body can NOT be altered. Folks that believe otherwise are deceiving themselves. 

There have been several high profile examples of transgendered females (people born male) competing against biological females in athletic contests and beauty pageants, or getting recognized as "woman of the year". This is so absurd I will refrain from commenting on it, as I do not wish to honor these things by discussing them. The well intentioned, but horribly misguided people that support or permit these things to happen, should go home and very carefully reconsider their lives. 

Minor children should have no part in the discussion of transgenderism, nor should they be subjected to any form of propaganda or brainwashing. Growing children may be confused, uncomfortable about their bodies, embarrassed by their sexuality, or a number of other things. For the past 100,000 years, when 99.95% of people got past puberty and become fully developed adults, all the confusion about their sexuality disappeared, and they went on to live normal lives as biology intended for them. For any authority figure to suggest that small children undergo hormone therapy or gender reassignment, is an abomination that should be punished as a crime against humanity. Let innocent children grow up, and when they are adults and old enough to understand sexuality and make good decisions for themselves, they are free to live out their life as they see fit. 

The war between Russia and Ukraine, and the resurgence of conflict in Israel and Palestine, warrants a quick mention. There has been a great deal of bad information being spewed by the press for both of these conflicts. Thirty second sound bytes, or flashy new headlines, followed by empty platitudes and often repeated political slogans, do not amount to substantive information. Very little accurate information has been made available to the public by the politically motivated mainstream press, finding good information has always been difficult.  I will revisit these topics in greater depth in a future article. 

As for Taylor Swift, she is one of the few celebrities that I will ever mention. The Internet is filled with articles about her, her music, her adoring fans, and her multitude of different lovers. That is all that needs to be said about her. 😇